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Expert Workshop - Knowledge and Technology Transfer


The expert workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) was organized by the National Cluster Association in Ostrava, in the seminar room of the Business Incubator of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (TUO) that is a part of the TUO Innovation Support Centre.

Regional Meeting on Technology Transfer, Internationalization and Gender


The Business Development Agency of the Karlovy Vary Region and the Karlovy Vary Region invite you to participate in a Regional Meeting on Technology Transfer, Internationalization and Gender to be held on 7 March 2013 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Expert workshop – GENDER IN INNOVATION


On 25 February 2013 the National Cluster Association (in conjunction with the Regional Development Agency) held an expert workshop ‘Gender in Innovation (including aspects of diversity)’ in Ostrava as part of the CluStrat project (

Expert workshop on Internationalization as part of the CluStrat project


The National Cluster Association, a partner in the CluStrat project, was the organizer of an expert workshop on the topic of INTERNATIONALIZATION which was held on 31 January 2013 in the conference hall of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (ground floor) at Politických vězňů 20, Prague.

Competition ‘Czech Innovation 2012’ enters its second year


The goal of the competition – organized by the non-profit organization ČIN Česká Inovace (‘Czech Innovation’) – is to support the innovation potential of companies and individuals, which will help to boost the overall competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

Swedish expert Mrs Inger Danilda is preparing a training programme tailored specially for cluster coaches.


Mrs Danilda is collaborating with a range of experts to produce an e-learning course specially designed for cluster coaches.

National Dialogue to Cluster Concepts


On 22–23 October 2012 Prague’s Hotel Diplomat was the venue for the National Dialogue to Cluster Concepts event.

Enterprise Europe Network: EU-Egypt Business Forum


The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Prague is organizing the EU-Egypt Business Forum in conjunction with Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Antonio Tajani, the European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship.

‘Manex Open’ seminar, 31 October – 1 November 2012, Brno


Dear NCA members and partners, We are pleased to invite you to the ‘Manex Open’ seminar, to be held in Brno from 31 October to 1 November in conjunction with the NCA.

Conclusions of the conference ‘Milovice Science and Technology Park – Practical Benefits of Cluster-Based Innovation’


The conference ‘Milovice Science and Technology Park – Practical Benefits of Cluster-Based Innovation’ took place on 9 October 2012 at the Technical Museum in Brno. The conference was organized by the National Cluster Association (NCA) in conjunction with the Centre for Research, Development, Innovation and Regional Development (CVVI) and other partners in the project ‘Milovice Science and Technology Park Cooperation Platform’ – including the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Milovice Science and Technology Park management company, and the composite fibre manufacturer TECHNOFIBER, s.r.o.

Conclusions of the conference ‘Strengthening Cluster Policy Cooperation in Europe’, Warsaw


Conclusions of the conference ‘Strengthening Cluster Policy Cooperation in Europe’, Warsaw, 20 – 21 October 2011

NCA – helping clusters to harness the potential of new technologies and services


he National Cluster Association (NCA) brings together a range of organizations – clusters, innovation infrastructure specialists, universities, regional institutions and consultants. All NCA members share a common goal: to support the establishment and development of clusters and to promote collaborative efforts on both the national and international levels.

NCA member ENERGOKLASTR to establish top science and technology centre


In 2014 the Czech Republic’s innovation infrastructure will be further strengthened with the opening of the new Vysočina Science and Technology Park (STP) and Technology Transfer Centre (TTC) in the city of Jihlava – the capital of the Vysočina Region.

Technology Cup 2011


This summer saw the launch of a major new national prize for the best innovative ideas submitted by students – the Technology Cup 2011.