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Day of Clusters in the Pilsen Region


On Thursday, 18 October 2018, the Day of Clusters in the Pilsen Region took place in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Following the successful cluster events in five regions of the Czech Republic, there were results of cooperation among firms, universities and research institutions in clusters of the Pilsen Region presented as well as projects of other Czech and Bavarian cluster organisations.

Roadmapping Workshop – HEMP industry in Danube Region


The National Cluster Association - CZ invites you to the Roadmapping workshop on HEMP industry in the Danube Region within the DanuBioValNet project.

KETGATE Study visits


KETGATE Study visits KETGATE Study Visit at JOANNEUM RESEARCH in Weiz KETGATE Study Visit at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana

Training on the Development of New Cluster Services


On 19 March 2018, the 1st Training on the Development of New Cluster Services will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

PhytoPharma Day in Stuttgart


On 5 December, almost 50 stakeholders from the phytopharmaceutical sector in the Danube region gathered in Stuttgart for Phytopharma Day.

Regional Stakeholder Workshop KETGATE


The Regional Stakeholder Workshop in Prague was attended by 18 participants among them e.g. cluster managers , SME representatives, business support organisation representatives, public agencies representatives, representative of university, representative of the research and technology organisation and experts on the KETs topic.

Invitation Education workshop of the V4Clusters Go International project


We would like to invite you to the Education workshop of the V4Clusters Go International project, The event will be held on 24th to 25th May 2017 at the Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland.

Save the date V4ClusGo Education workshop


Dear members and partners we would like to invite you to the Education workshop of the V4Clusters Go International project, The event will be held on 24th to 25th May 2017 at the Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland.

NATUREEF + V4Clusters Go International


National Cluster Association – CZ and Cluster CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.




Day of Clusters in the Central Bohemian Region


On 6th September 2016, the “Day of Clusters in the Central Bohemian Region” event took place at the attractive premises of the ELI Beamlines R&D laser centre in Dolni Brezany, in the vicinity of Prague.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform - new web portal


We would like to invite you to visit, use it as a rich source of information and put your cluster organisation on the map.

Day of clusters in the Pardubice Region


The National Cluster Association and its members from Pardubice Region, the cluster Nanoprogres and Hi-Tech innovation cluster, organized historically the first Day of clusters, which took place in Pardubice on 28 April.

The AdPack Matchmaking Seminar


On 17 February 2016, the first matchmaking event within the AdPack project - Future materials and products for advanced smart packaging (COSME) was held in Prague, the Czech Republic.

The NCA hosts Russian Clusters in Prague and Ostrava


This week, the Czech Republic receives the delegation of cluster stakeholders from Russia led by the Centre for the Development of the Nuclear-Innovation Cluster of Dimitrovgrad.

Nanoprogres was the best enterprise project of the year 2014


Cluster Nanoprogres, member of the National Cluster Association, was elected as the best enterprise project of the year 2014 in the category Collaboration of companies – clusters and became one of the most successful enterprise projects funded by European funds.