Ukraine: business challenges, opportunities, & the EU Single Market 8 June 2022, 8:30 - 10:00 CET
The European Union is working on the integration of Ukrainian businesses into the EU Single Market.
In the past weeks, bilateral exchanges between Ukrainian and European clusters have shown that there are business opportunities for both sides (for example in the agri-food, construction, advanced manufacturing, or textile sectors). Ukrainian companies are looking for new orders and business opportunities, and could be interesting partners for the European industry.
In this context, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organises the EU Clusters Talk “Ukraine: Business challenges, opportunities, and the EU Single Market” on 8 June 2022, 8:30-10:30 CET, to speak about the actions from the European Commission to integrate Ukrainian businesses into the EU Single Market, hear about the capacities of the Ukrainian industry from Ukrainian representatives themselves, and look at the impact of the war on Ukrainian social enterprises and their actions to support civil society and local businesses.
Among other speakers, we will welcome Maive Rute, Deputy Director General and head of the Task Force for Supply Chains at DG GROW, European Commission, and Alexandre Yurchak and Olga Trofymova from the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance.
Prior registration to this event is compulsory before 8 June, 7:30 CET.
This EU Clusters Talk is open to participants from the European Union and SMP and COSME countries. Approval for attending the session will be given individually. Please use your corporate email address to register (i.e. no gmail addresses or similar).