Advance Manufacturing for Ukraine 20. April 2022

Engineering - Automation - Machinery: Exploring collaboration opportunities with Ukraine
The European Clusters Alliance invites enterprises, clusters, businesses associations and innovative entities to a meeting with Ukrainian representatives to explore collaboration opportunities between Ukraine and the European Union in the field of engineering, automation, and machinery.
We would like to discuss: What are the needs on the Ukrainian side? Where can we intensify collaborations with European businesses? What are first steps for new collaborations?
The meeting will be an open forum to exchange. Please register to attend.
We count with the participation of:
- Olga Trofimova, Ukrainian automotive and mobility cluster
- Alexandre Yurchak, Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine
- Andriy Karpenko, Cluster EAM from Zoporizhzhia
- Vitaliy Zaitsev, Cluster EAM from Kharkiv
- Yuriy Klymenko, Cluster of instrumentation from Vinnytsia
- Vladyslav Kondus, Machinery cluster from Sumy
- Yuriy Zhukov, Maritime cluster of Ukraine
and representatives of European clusters and DG GROW, European Commission (tbc)
Survey on disrupted supply and value chains
On behalf of the European Commission, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network, is running a survey to understand our current reality. We invite you to answer this survey and share it with your network and collaborators.