'Clusters meet Regions' and 'EU Clusters Matchmaking Event' in Lithuania

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is delighted to invite you to the second “Clusters meet Regions” workshop, entitled: “Baltic region clusters in eliminating risks, creating resilience, and strengthening local and European value chains in the face of geopolitical challenges”.
The event will take place on 26 - 27 April 2022, in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Supply chains around Europe, many still suffering from the after-shocks of the Covid pandemic, are now coming under significantly increased pressure because
of the war in Ukraine. Understanding the threats and challenges, and learning how to mitigate disruptions, is fundamental to restoring efficiencies and ensuring resilient growth in any region.
These ’Clusters meet Regions’ and the ‘Clusters Matchmaking’ events have been designed for cluster organisations and businesses who want to share experiences, learn from others and build new relationships.
This workshop will focus on the value of supply chains for regional development and growth, as well as the contributions clusters can make to shaping and implementing the Smart Specialization Strategy within the Baltic and Scandinavian regions. The agenda will include interventions and debates on policies and other instruments by both policymakers and private sector representatives.
It will be a hybrid event (both in-person and online), and those interested in attending virtually will have the option of watching the event through the ECCP website, or our other social media networks.
Registration for the ‘Clusters Meet Regions’ workshop will close on 14 April.
One-on-one matchmaking meetings, pitching opportunities and inspirational plenary sessions will focus on joint projects, collaboration opportunities and new strategic partnerships.
The European Commission continues to facilitate cooperation between actors for the reinforcement of supply chains in the context of the war in Ukraine and the COVID pandemic.
The event will take place virtually (through B2Match) and physically in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Wednesday 27 April 2022.
This matchmaking event has been designed so that you can create new connections, and investigate opportunities for cooperation with other clusters, businesses, researchers, financial providers and other related organisations and institutions.
Registration for the ‘EU Clusters Matchmaking Event’ is now open and will close on 14 April.
Please contact us at clustersmeetregions@clustercollaboration.eu for further information or enquiries.