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As of March 07, 2025, NCA has 36 members:

Branicka 26/43, Branik, 147 00 Praha 4

The AAVIT cluster is a group of leaders in IT and digital services that emphasizes the importance of applied technologies in IT and promotes profitable export of digital services, software and hardware.

Ostrava, Mariánské Hory a Hulváky, Novoveská 1139/22

Association of business entities for innovation in logistics and warehouse technology


Studentska 6202/17, 708 00 Ostrava Poruba

Our vision is to become an integrator of companies, educational and research institutions and other stakeholders, whose activities support the development of the automotive industry in the region.

Prikop 27/2a, Brno

BizGarden Ltd. is a private non-profit company which provides consulting support for companies, R&D and innovation project management and tech-nology transfer support.

Vystaviste 569/3, Pisarky, 603 00 , Brno

The Brno Space Cluster brings together companies, academia and other entities involved in the space industry, science and popularisation in the South Moravian Region. It is currently the largest association in this field in the Czech Republic. 

Studentska 6202/17, 708 00 Ostrava Poruba

CEDEG is a group of dynamic and progressive entities that are interested in creating meaningful and synergistic projects in the field of digitization and progressive environmental technologies.

Prumyslova 1298, 334 41 Dobrany

Cluster MECHATRONIKA works as a platform for linking the business to the research organizations, schools and public administration in mechatronics and related disciplines.

Cejl 480/12, 602 00 Brno

Incorporated as a cooperative in 2006, the Cluster of Czech Cabinet Makers associates 35 companies, 27 of which operate in the cabinet-making and interior design fields. The cluster membership includes other specialized consultancy and expert companies and the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno.

1. maje 97/25, 460 01 Liberec

CLUTEX - cluster technical textiles (established 2016) is only one Czech cluster focused on textiles, mainly on (multi)functional textiles, and personal protective textiles, design of customized textile structures and nanotechnology in textiles, biotechnology and bio-based resources.



Traubova 6, 602 00 Brno

CREA Hydro & Energy, z.s. is a cluster operating in the field of technologies for water management works, water and waste management and renewable energy sources.

Tř. T. Bati 5267

The Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA) is an employers' and professional association of entrepreneurs in footwear and leather production and trade with its location in the Czech Republic.

Rousinov 47, 473 01 Svor

The Czech Hemp Cluster (CzecHemp) is a non-governmental non-profit cluster organization of private companies, public sector, research and educational institutions.

Slechtitelu 813/21, 779 00 Olomouc

Czech Optical Cluster was created with the aim to improve the conditions for optical industry development in the Czech Republic

Tolsteho 1556/16, 58601 Jihlava

The basic strategy of the CZECHIMPLANT, z.s. cluster is to support the development of a significant medical field and provide members with optimal conditions for collaboration.

Tvarozna 362, 664 06, Tvarozna

EDUINO is a non-profit organization focused on educational innovation, established to respond to the ever-evolving demands of society and bridge modern approaches with real-world practice.

Paseky 616, 763 11 Zelechovice nad Drevnici

The HR Development Cluster was established in 2021 to connect companies and create an inspiring environment for sharing good practice, disseminating and promoting new HR management practices and raising awareness of this field and its importance for the competitiveness of companies.

17. listopadu 15, 708 33, Ostrava - Poruba

Headed by the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the IT Cluster profiles the Moravian-Silesian Region as the resource of professionals and specialised workforce in software development and IT service management.

Slechtitelu 813/21, 783 71 Olomouc

The MedChemBio cluster associates 25 members specialized in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology cooperating in R&D using the GMP testing laboratory accredited by the State Institute for Drug Control.

Brno, Cerna Pole, Zemedelska 1665/1, PSČ 61300

Mendel University in Brno was founded in 1919 as University of Agriculture as the oldest Czech university with a focus on the fields of agriculture and forestry. The institution started using the name Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) in 2010.

Panska 25, 686 04 Kunovice

Czech Aerospace Cluster was established in 2010 and is an association of Czech aviation companies and educational institutions connected with a desire to develop a competitive aviation sector in the Czech Republic.

28. rijna 2771/117, Moravska Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava
Nova 306, 530 09 Pardubice

Nanoprogress operates within four priority areas which are research and development, building joint R&D infrastructure, supporting of the internationalisation of its members and improvement of the cluster management and its visibility.

Masarykovo nabrezi 250/1, Nove Mesto, 11000 Praha 1

We support and develop Czech culture and art

Kotkova 384/4, 703 00, Ostrava

The Czech Machinery Cluster is the registered association of more than 40 compa-nies operating in the field of mechanical engineering. Since its establishment in 2003, it has been active also in the related industries, including service-providing companies and academic institutions.

Jundrovska 31, 624 00, Brno

Network Security Monitoring Cluster (NSMC) is a center of excellence, a knowledge platform uniting 20 Czech companies and experts in the field of cybersecurity.

Vavreckova 5262, 760 01 Zlin

The Plastics Cluster was established in 2006 with the aim to support development of the plastics industry in the Zlín region.

Lipova 1789/9, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice

Regional Food Cluster was founded in 2009 as an association to support innova-tion and marketing of local and regional companies in food industry.

Slechtilelu 21, 783 71 Olomouc

STP PU constitutes a connection between companies and Palacky University in Olomouc.

Nerudova 8, Ostrava - Vítkovice 703 00

The SINEC cluster of social enterprises and innovations brings together social enterprises and other actors of the social economy and social entrepreneurship in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The main goal of the Cluster is to help the growth of the social economy in the Moravian-Silesian Region through the development of social enterprises, increasing the employment of socially and medically disadvantaged groups and stimulating social innovations based on their needs.

Ve Struhach 27, Praha 6

Technology Centre Prague was founded in 1994 as a nonprofit special interest association of the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Manesova 1580/17, 470 01 Ceska Lipa

The Czech Membrane Platform (CZEMP) associates prominent experts and institutions focused on research, development, implementation and application of membrane operations in technological processes of broad spectrum of industry.


Plzenska 155/113, Praha

Czech and Moravian glass cluster is national platform of Czech glassmaking and jewelery industry, including companies, associations, schools and institutions factually related to the glass and jewelery sector of Czech Republic.

Namesti T.G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlin

The FaME provides 2,700 students with Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree programs in economics and management, finance and accounting, marketing, business administration, industrial engineering, regional development, design management and management for health care.

Pasteurova 3632/15, Ústí nad Labem-centrum, 40001 Ústí nad Labem

The WASTen  is a non-profit organization that brings together Czech production, engineering and research workplaces that deal with the development, production and implementation of new technologies in the field of municipal and industrial waste.

The main goal of the WASTen  is to support the transfer of modern technologies in the field of circular economy and waste management.



The Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest is a state contributory organization subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. The agency arranges for the Czech Republic both domestic and foreign investments in the areas of manufacturing, business support services and technology centres. It also supports small, medium-sized and innovative start-up companies, the country’s business infrastructure, and innovation.

CzechInvest promotes the Czech Republic abroad as a suitable destination for investments. It is the exclusive organization that may submit applications for investment incentives to the governing bodies. The agency also supports Czech firms that are interested in becoming involved in the supply chains of multinational companies. Through its services and development programs, CzechInvest contributes to the development of domestic firms, Czech and foreign investors and the business environment as a whole.

European Cluster Collaboration Platform

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is a service facility aiming to provide cluster organisations and its members with modern tools. It helps improve the performance, increase competitiveness throughout national and international collaboration. The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is a part of European Cluster Excellence Initiative

European Clusters Alliance

European Clusters Alliances (ECA)
An organisation founded by NCA gathers various national cluster associations. This Alliance has helped establishing European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC). EAAC organises online meetings, every Tuesday and Thursday, of the clusters, associations and other members across European countries.

European Clusters Labelling Structures (EUCLES)

EUCLES is a new organisation established in the May 2021 that has adopted the role of  the existing European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). Any cluster aiming at getting BRONZE, SILVER or GOLD label needs to contact this organisation. EUCLES plans on alternation of existing process of getting labels of excellence. Furthermore, NCA contributes to this effort throughout participation in the international working groups: Work Group Communications and Recognitions of Labels.

TCI Network (The Competitiveness Institute)

TCI Network is the leading global network of people and organizations working in clusters and innovation ecosystems around the globe. It creates global connections, inspire clusters and improve policy learning. The mission is to support development of clusters as the tools to increase competiveness and innovation competencies of enterprises, municipalities, regions, countries. Founded in 1998, TCI Network is a non-profit, non-governmental organization open to members from all continents.