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Health in Europe: Where does our ecosystem stand? Invitation for EU Cluster Talks 08 February 2023


The covid pandemic has dominated the past three years. While clusters have been very active in finding solutions to the challenges provoked by the pandemic, we need to discuss our crisis preparedness, how the health ecosystem has changed to face future health crises and the current challenges for innovation in this ecosystem.

We introduce a new NCA member - BRNO SPACE CLUSTER


A young and prospective cluster from Brno decided to join the association and join a network of well-cooperating cluster organisations in the Czech Republic. 

EU Clusters Talk “Aerospace & Defence: Cluster activities for a sustainable and resilient ecosystem” on 25 January 2023


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organises the EU Clusters Talk “Aerospace & Defence: Cluster activities for a sustainable and resilient ecosystem” on 25 January 2023, 8:30 – 9:45 CET. 

New member of the National Cluster Association - Association for Innovation in Logistics !!!


The members of the Association for Innovation in Logistics (APIL) have decided to link their activities with other professional associations and societies and have joined the National Cluster Association (NCA) at the beginning of 2023, where they will represent the intensively developing logistic services sector. 

Where is the field of aeronautics heading?


Read the Czech Aerospace Cluster lecture record! 

'Relief' for SMEs: how to enhance business, funding access and skills - EU Cluster Talks invitation


EU Clusters Talk “'Relief' for SMEs: how to enhance business, funding access and skills” on 11 January 2023, 8:30 – 9:30 CET. 

Supporting education at CREA Hydro&Energy


The cluster CREA Hydro&Energy since its beginning, has focused on the development of human resources and education not only of the young generation. Over 50 trainees from the Czech and Slovak Republic, Italy, and other countries passed through the cluster, improving their knowledge and learning practical skills, especially in internationalisation and regional development.

Plastic processing and recycling today and future prospects


Recycling plastic is one of the most important pathways to sustainable future. 

The Cluster Day in Vysočina Region is over!


The Cluster Day occurred on 7th December 2022 in Vysočina, in the Czech Republic. 

Invitation for EU Clusters Talk on 14th of December


This event is part of bi-weekly online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities.

Invitation for the Clusters Meet Region in Barcelona


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in collaboration with the Agència per a la Competitivitat del'Empresa (ACCIÓ) and the European Commission, will jointly organise the "Clusters meet Regions" workshop in Catalonia. The event will take place on 14 and 15 December in Barcelona, Spain, followed by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of cluster policy in Catalonia on 16 December.

Invitation for the Agri-food matchmaking event


Agri-food matchmaking on accelerating resource efficiency, renewable energy and scaling up of circular fertiliser solutions. Organised by the ECCP on the 5th of December 2022 online. 

AUTOKLASTR successes in 2022


In 2022, Autoklastr is actively developing towards new directions in the field of digitalization and green transformation and is succeeding in fulfilling its strategy.

The Zlin Creative cluster and its activities in 2022


The Zlin Creative cluster, in collaboration with the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, created a project focused on the Zlin industrial design phonemes - 100 years of Zlin design alias 100 ZD.

Launching of Czech-Slovak CISO Club


CEDEG is launching the new Czech-Slovak CISO/CSO Club - a platform for cybersecurity directors and cyber safety managers of large companies and organisations meetings. 

Invitation for EU Cluster Talks, 30th November 2022


According to the FAO, agri-food systems consume about 30% of the world’s energy, and a third of agri-food systems' emissions of greenhouse gases stem from energy use. Russia military aggression on Ukraine and the impact of such geopolitical tensions on the energy prices heavily impacting the EU agri-food value chain makes the shift towards renewable energy even more urgent in this industrial ecosystem. The uptake of resource efficiency technologies by agri-food SMEs will be crucial to support their competitiveness and to enable the sustainability transition of the agri-food ecosystem.