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We connect cluster organizations and technology platforms defend their needs and develop cluster policy in the Czech Republic.

The National Cluster Association (NCA) is a non-governmental non-profit organization that brings together entities and individuals with the goal of coordinated and sustainable development of cluster initiatives and cluster policy development in the Czech Republic based on concentration of knowledge, experience and expertise to strengthen the Czech competitiveness.

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The NCA brings together

31 / 5
clusters and technology platforms / research and support organizations
818 / 248
companies / other members
264 K
Total number of employees in member organizations (approx.)
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Cluster Days
Online Meetings
Cluster Awards
Cluster Achievements



On October 16, 2024, the eleventh edition of Cluster Day took place at Mendel University in Brno. The event was organized by the National Cluster Association – CREA Hydro&Energy and Mendel University in Brno. The event was held under the auspices of the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region.

Ten SMEs presented their outputs during the final meeting of the EuroCluster Rural Tourism project

On 15 May 2024, the National Cluster Association organised the final online meeting for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) participating in the EuroCluster Rural Tourism call. At this meeting, SMEs presented the results of their projects.


The National Cluster Association has a new address since December!

Actuality and News

Explore the European Commission's Technology Centre Mapping

Clock icon19.02.2025

During the last EU Cluster Talks, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform presented the Technology Centre Mapping tool, which currently records 395 EU technology centres.

Klastr MECHATRONIKA fosters innovation through the cross-border AM SURF project

Clock icon19.02.2025

Klastr MECHATRONIKA has joined a cross-border project to provide companies with new, more efficient surface treatment options for 3D-printed parts. The project outcomes are continuously shared with industry professionals through workshops and seminars, including regular online meetings of NCA members. Notably, the member institution COMTES FHT will expand its expertise thanks to this project. It will become one of the few Czech research organizations capable of characterizing materials using a confocal microscope.

Sustainability requirements and reporting: Cluster support for SMEs

Clock icon17.02.2025

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organises the EU Clusters Talk "Sustainability requirements and reporting: Cluster support for SMEs" on 19 February, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to explore how clusters and other business support organisations can assist SMEs in meeting sustainability requirements, sharing best practices, and showcasing collaborative initiatives that foster a more sustainable and resilient business ecosystem.

CLUTEX – Cluster Technical Textiles Creates Innovative Textile Solutions for Patients with Specific Needs

Clock icon11.02.2025

CLUTEX – Cluster Technical Textiles has joined forces with leading companies and research institutions as part of the OPPIK Collective Research project. The aim of the project was to address the shortage of textile and clothing products designed for patients with rare skin diseases and other health conditions, such as allergies, diabetes, and rheumatic disorders.

Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA) Paves the Way for the Future of Footwear and Plastics Manufacturing

Clock icon30.01.2025

The Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA), in collaboration with the Zlín Region, the Secondary Polytechnic School – Center for Vocational Training Zlín (SPŠP – COP Zlín), and the Plastics Cluster, has initiated the creation of a new high school program, "Technical Lyceum – Footwear and Plastics Manufacturing Specialization." The goal is to ensure a qualified workforce and attract the younger generation to study this promising field.

From Lab to Market - The role of collaboration between technology centres and clusters

Clock icon28.01.2025

The European Cluster Collaboration organised the next EU Cluster Talk: From Lab to Market: The role of collaboration between technology centres and clusters, on 12 February 2025, 8:30-9:45 CET.