Last chance to sign up for EU – South MED Cluster Matchmaking Event 2023, 31 May - 2 June

The EU – South MED Cluster Matchmaking Event event will be held in the context of GITEX Africa (31 May - 2 June 2023) in Marrakech, Morocco. The topics will be: agrifood, cleantech / renewable energy, ICT, and textile. Registration is open!
EU – South MED Cluster Matchmaking Event 2023
Looking ahead to the 2023 event in Marrakech, participants can expect to engage with a wide range of stakeholders from the European and South Mediterranean regions (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia), with a focus on driving sustainable growth through innovation and collaboration. The event is expected to provide a platform for networking, sharing knowledge, and identifying new opportunities for cooperation in sectors such as renewable energy, ICT, and healthcare, among others. You can now submit the Expression of interest!
EU-South MED Matchmaking Event 2023 - Call for Expression of Interest - Clusters | Deadline extended: 26 April 2023, 18:00 Brussels Time. Late applications could be accepted until 22 May 2023, 23:59 Brussels time, at the latest (provided eligibility criteria are fulfilled and costs are borne by the participants).
EU-South MED Matchmaking Event 2023 - Call for Expression of Interest - SMEs | Deadline: 22 May 2023, 23:59 Brussels Time
Looking back at past missions to the South MED region
The EU-South Med Cluster Matchmaking Event held in 2019 aimed to foster collaboration between European and South Mediterranean clusters in innovation and technology. The event provided an opportunity to network and explore potential partnerships in areas such as renewable energy, ICT, and healthcare. During three days, cluster participants attended various activities, including a cluster matchmaking event (150 meetings took place), workshops on business development, industry 4.0 and clusters in Maghreb. They visited LOGISMED 2019, a transport and logistics exhibition, MASCiR, ESITH, and CTI. Read more about 2019.
In 2021, the event continued its focus on collaboration and innovation, particularly emphasizing digital transformation and the green economy. It brought together key players from Europe and the South Mediterranean to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices and explore opportunities for cooperation. They discussed common visions and initiated discussions and co-creative processes by proposing pilot project ideas. Have a look at the 2021 agenda.