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EuroCluster Rural Tourism Supported 188 SMEs from 19 countries with a total of 940 000 EUR


The EuroCluster Rural Tourism project has successfully empowered 188 rural SMEs across 19 countries, strengthening their competitiveness through innovation, sustainability, and digitalisation.

Clusters meet Regions Palma de Mallorca - POSTPONED


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform invites you to the Clusters meet Regions event in Palma de Mallorca. - THIS EVENT WAS POSTPONED! 

Clusters and SMEs in the EU's Simplification Agenda: Understanding the Omnibus Packages


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organises the EU Clusters Talk "Clusters & SMEs in the EU’s Simplification Agenda: Understanding the Omnibus Packages" on 26 March, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to present the simplified rules on sustainability and EU investments, understand the benefits for SMEs, and discuss how clusters can support their members in navigating the changes.

Nanoprogress special training saved companies over 2,4 million EUR


The Nanoprogress focuses on developing the skills of its members' employees through specialised training. Thanks to this support, not only have hundreds of employees gained new knowledge, but companies have also saved millions of euros and strengthened their competitiveness. 

Finding ways for modern technology in the waste maze


IPOLT CZ, s.r.o. has been a member of the WASTen cluster since its inception, focusing on engineering and project development in the field of waste processing.

From Policy to Practice: The Clean Industrial Deal in Action


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk "From Policy to Practice: The Clean Industrial Deal in Action" on 12 March, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to give an overview of the measures outlines in the Deal, speak about its importance to support competitiveness, and discuss cluster actions for its implementation.

Autoklastr Strengthens Cooperation Between Schools and Industry: An Inspiring Story from the Czech-Polish Border


Autoklastr, in collaboration with its partners, organized a study visit and excursion for Czech and Polish high school students, significantly enhancing their interest in technology and international cooperation.

Transformation of the manufacturing industry: The path towards Artificial Intelligence and Hydrogen


An invitation for the following Clusters meet Regions that will occur on the 9th and 10th April 2025 in Heilbronn, Germany. 

Europe’s Technological Future: Driving Innovation for Economic Security


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk "Europe’s Technological Future: Driving Innovation for Economic Security" on 26 February, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to explore how clusters support the technological advancements in Europe, discuss needed support mechanisms for companies, and give an outlook to future development in the critical technology areas.

Explore the European Commission's Technology Centre Mapping


During the last EU Cluster Talks, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform presented the Technology Centre Mapping tool, which currently records 395 EU technology centres.

Klastr MECHATRONIKA fosters innovation through the cross-border AM SURF project


Klastr MECHATRONIKA has joined a cross-border project to provide companies with new, more efficient surface treatment options for 3D-printed parts. The project outcomes are continuously shared with industry professionals through workshops and seminars, including regular online meetings of NCA members. Notably, the member institution COMTES FHT will expand its expertise thanks to this project. It will become one of the few Czech research organizations capable of characterizing materials using a confocal microscope.

Sustainability requirements and reporting: Cluster support for SMEs


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organises the EU Clusters Talk "Sustainability requirements and reporting: Cluster support for SMEs" on 19 February, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to explore how clusters and other business support organisations can assist SMEs in meeting sustainability requirements, sharing best practices, and showcasing collaborative initiatives that foster a more sustainable and resilient business ecosystem.

CLUTEX – Cluster Technical Textiles Creates Innovative Textile Solutions for Patients with Specific Needs


CLUTEX – Cluster Technical Textiles has joined forces with leading companies and research institutions as part of the OPPIK Collective Research project. The aim of the project was to address the shortage of textile and clothing products designed for patients with rare skin diseases and other health conditions, such as allergies, diabetes, and rheumatic disorders.

Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA) Paves the Way for the Future of Footwear and Plastics Manufacturing


The Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA), in collaboration with the Zlín Region, the Secondary Polytechnic School – Center for Vocational Training Zlín (SPŠP – COP Zlín), and the Plastics Cluster, has initiated the creation of a new high school program, "Technical Lyceum – Footwear and Plastics Manufacturing Specialization." The goal is to ensure a qualified workforce and attract the younger generation to study this promising field.

From Lab to Market - The role of collaboration between technology centres and clusters


The European Cluster Collaboration organised the next EU Cluster Talk: From Lab to Market: The role of collaboration between technology centres and clusters, on 12 February 2025, 8:30-9:45 CET. 

New collaboration opportunities in the Republic of Korea and Japan


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Cluster Talk "New collaboration opportunities in the Republic of Korea and Japan" on 29 January 2025, 8:30-9:45 CET, to enhance collaboration, unlock new business potential in these dynamic markets and discover funding opportunities and practical examples.