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The National Cluster Association awarded the Golden Cluster and other awards for 2022


This year, the National Cluster Association also awarded the best of its members.

Golden Cluster 2022 

Czech Optical Cluster, for its long-term support of the optical ecosystem in the Czech Republic.

Award to the Czech Optical Cluster for long-term support of the optical ecosystem in the Czech Republic. In the 6 years of its existence, the Czech Optical Cluster has managed to build a strong platform for cooperation and connect key players in science and industry from the field of optics and related fields. It promotes the field in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The Czech Optical Cluster has grown from the original 5 founding members in 2017 to the current number of 39 and the number is not final.

The cluster focuses on scientific and research collaborations in the field pillars of 1. industrial and consumer optics 2. military optics 3. light technology 4. microscopy 5. laser applications and 6. optical quantum technologies. It promotes and seeks new business opportunities for its members. Last but not least, it can respond to new industry trends.

The Czech Optical Cluster holds the BRONZE label for cluster excellence. 


Honorary award

Czech Hemp Cluster - for supporting development and innovation in companies


The activities of CzecHemp are aimed at the support and development of companies working with hemp and at changing legislation so that the potential of hemp can be exploited not only in the Czech Republic but also on a global scale. One of the successful members of the Czech Hemp Cluster is the company SensiQure, s.r.o., which started in 2021 as a startup project. In the summer of this year, the company achieved a huge success when it received the Good Manufacturing Practice certification, which opens the door to the fast-growing European and eventually global market for medicinal cannabis.

CzecHemp has held the BRONZE label of cluster excellence since August this year. 



Honorary award 

Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers - for the development of internationalization and promotion of the Czech Republic


The Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers has been supporting the export of its members for a long time. The active participation of the cluster and its members in the International Contemporary Furniture Fair ICFF, held in May in New York, USA and a matchmaking event in Toronto, Canada, has opened the door for Czech furniture and software for furniture manufacturers to the American and Canadian markets. Participation in the American fair and matchmaking event in Canada is only one of many activities. This year, it was possible to connect Czech furniture makers with foreign manufacturers, retailers and customers in multiple markets. The Cluster of Czech Furniture Makers has succeeded in developing and supporting Czech furniture companies. It will continue these activities. Further trade missions abroad are planned, for example to Egypt or South Africa.

The Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers is a holder of the SILVER label of cluster excellence. 


Honorary award 

CLUTEX - Technical Textiles Cluster - for the support and development of education



The CLUTEX technical textiles cluster realizes that the Czech, as well as the European, textile industry cannot successfully face new challenges without well-prepared, i.e. educated, people. Therefore, he became the coordinator and partner of two international Erasmus+ projects aimed at educating young textile experts in the field of eco-design and sustainable business and the effective search and usage of resources and information in enterprises for their development and innovation. In the same spirit, the cluster is also trying to act on the Czech educational scene - after the struggle to preserve the last textile industrial school, there was a positive turn, and the new arrangement within the Liberec Secondary School gives hope for modern education in textile fields in one of the classes of the newly opened lyceum in Liberec .

CLUTEX - Technical Textiles Cluster is a holder of the SILVER label mark of cluster excellence. 


Honorary award 

Cluster MECHATRONIKA - for the development of the innovation environment



Innovation. Cooperation. Education. The slogan "The cluster is a functional network" is often used in Klastr Mechatronika. And it is not just an empty phrase. The cluster supports its members in their development in every way, and members are known even where they themselves may find it difficult to reach.  It connects its members in the region, in cross-border cooperation with German Bavaria, in the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy, at cluster events, simply on all possible occasions. This creates new business and development collaborations that help both the cluster members and the whole region.


Honorary award

Young Management Talent of the Year Ing. Kristián Celý, International Projects Manager of the CREA Hydro&Energy cluster, for the successful creation and implementation of the action plan for the development of the innovation ecosystem of the South Moravian Region in the field of water management - iWATERMAP project, Interreg Europe and other achievements in the development of the cluster's internationalization.