Cluster Policy
Clusters act as a motor of development, helping to unlock development potential, boost local and national economies, create jobs and attract new investors. Thanks to the clear benefits generated by cluster initiatives, their numbers have grown rapidly in recent years, and they have become an important development tool for both national and regional government bodies. Some countries have incorporated cluster policy into their national development strategies, while others apply more regionally-based development models.
The European Commission offers a range of programmes supporting research, development and innovation. If these processes are to be effective, they must involve the business sector from the very outset. To achieve this goal, the EU has launched several new initiatives helping national and regional governments to support clusters and harness the synergic potential of cooperation between the private sector, public bodies and research institutions.
Cluster policy can be divided into four levels:
- Regional cluster policy
- National cluster policy (see below)
- European cluster policy: Smart Guide to Cluster Policy, European Cluster Trend Repor 2015, Cluster Policy, European Cluster Policy Forum
- Initiatives of the European Commission: European cluster observatory, European cluster collaboration platform
- Global cluster policy
More information on European Cluster Policy is in the presentation of Eva Maria Revill, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission. Available here.
National cluster policy
All the cluster activities and initiatives in different areas are based on crucial national strategic document approved by the Czech government Czech national cluster strategy 2005 - 2008 (in Czech language)
Certified methodology for regional and national cluster policy was created by the Tomas Bata University in Zlin and funded by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic : “Cluster policy in the Czech Republic and its regions aimed at global competitiveness and sustainable development” (document available in the Czech language).
Certified methods to download:
- Innovation potential of clusters in the Czech Republic (specialized map)
- National cluster policy - certified methodology
- Regional cluster policy – certified methodology
You can find more information about clusters and their benefits for the companies in the publication:
PAVELKOVÁ, Drahomíra, a kolektiv. Klastry a jejich vliv na výkonnost firem. Praha: GRADA Publishing, a.s., 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-6378-8. Available here. (in the Czech language)
What is a cluster?
Professor Michael E. Porter defines (1998, p. 213)1 a cluster as 'a geographic concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions (for example, universities, standards agencies, and trade associations) in particular fields that compete but also cooperate.'
Clusters are defined as groups of firms, related economic actors, and institutions that are located near each other and have reached a sufficient scale to develop specialised expertise, services, resources, suppliers and skills. Clusters are referred to both as a concept and a real economic phenomenon, such as the Silicon Valley, the effects of which, such as employment concentration, can be measured – as is done by the cluster mapping of the European Cluster Observatory. Clusters cannot be understood as fitting into the narrow sectoral view that most industrial policies have, but should be considered as regional ecosystems of related industries and competences featuring a broad array of inter-industry interdependencies (Smart Guide to Cluster Policy, European Union 2016, p.11).
1. Cluster initiatives are organised efforts to support the competitiveness of a cluster and thus consist of practical actions related to the capacity of these clusters to self-organise and increasingly to pro-actively shape the future of the cluster. They usually follow a bottom-up approach, are implemented through a competitive process, and are often managed by specialised SME intermediaries, such as cluster organisations.
2. Cluster organisations are the legal entities that support the strengthening of collaboration, networking and learning in innovation clusters and act as innovation support providers by providing or channelling specialised and customised business support services to stimulate innovation activities, especially in SMEs.6 They are usually the actors that facilitate strategic partnering across clusters (Smart Guide to Cluster Policy, European Union 2016, p.12).
European Cluster Policy
Clusters are a key tool of European industrial policy as they promote innovation, competitiveness, and collaboration between businesses, research institutions, and public administration. Through cluster policy, the European Union strengthens strategic value chains, accelerates digital and green transformation, and enhances the resilience of European industry.
In the EU-27, more than 1,500 clusters operate across over 200 regions, playing a crucial role within the 14 EU Industrial Ecosystems. These ecosystems cover key sectors such as healthcare, mobility, renewable energy, and advanced materials, contributing to Europe's strategic autonomy.
More information about EU Industrial Ecosystems can be found in the manual prepared for you by the National Cluster Association.
Connection to European Strategies
European cluster policy is closely linked to the broader EU objectives, particularly:
The European Industrial Strategy – which supports the resilience and modernization of industrial value chains.
The European Green Deal – which emphasizes sustainable production, the circular economy, and reducing the carbon footprint.
The Digital Europe Programme – which promotes the deployment of artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, and cybersecurity within industrial ecosystems.
The New European Innovation Agenda – which supports deep-tech, startups, and collaboration between clusters and research institutions.
Euroclusters are strategic initiatives funded by the Single Market Programme, connecting industrial cluster organisations and other economic entities across sectors and countries. They are designed to:
- Support the digital and green transformation of the industry,
- Create new business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),
- Strengthen strategic value chains in Europe and globally.
These pan-European consortia pool resources and knowledge to support industrial ecosystems, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The partnerships focus on areas such as:
- Internationalisation – supporting clusters in expanding into foreign markets,
- Innovation – fostering research, development, and digitalisation,
- Investment in smart specialisation,
- Excellence in cluster management.
European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)
The ECCP is Europe's online hub for industrial cluster organisations, providing cluster mapping, supporting their activities, and offering specialised services such as:
- Organising networking events and fostering international collaboration,
- A cluster database that helps businesses find suitable partners based on country, region, sector, or industrial ecosystem,
- Resources and tools to support cluster management.
European Cluster Alliance (ECA)
The ECA is a strategic initiative that brings together cluster organisations and national cluster associations across Europe. It plays a key role in:
- Coordinating cluster policy at the European level,
- Sharing best practices among EU Member States,
- Strengthening collaboration between cluster organisations and the European Commission.
EUCLES – The Excellence Label for Cluster Management
EUCLES is a European quality assessment system for clusters, designed to enhance their performance and credibility. Clusters can obtain Excellence Labels (Bronze, Silver, Gold), which certify their level of management and provide access to international funding and partnerships.
Support for Policy Makers
The European Commission provides targeted support for cluster policy makers through various tools, including:
- Cluster Policy Toolkit – a searchable database of best practices.
- Country Fact Sheets – offering up-to-date insights on national cluster policies and advanced technologies.
Find out more about support for policy makers.