Nanoprogress significantly advances Czech nanotechnology in Europe

Ladies and Gentlemen,
the cluster community has flourished over the years where it currently counts with more than 1000 highly active cluster oganisations at the EU level. In Czech Republic we have under the umbrella of the National Cluster Association CZ many brilliant and progressive cluster organisations. These organisations provide high added value to its members, help them to develop new products and technological solutions, support their internationalisation and provide them R&D and business opportunities by leveraging a solid network of partners of the European cluster society and beyond.
Nanoprogress gained over the last decade its place among the leading European cluster organisations. We have significantly boosted the excellent research of the Czech nanotechnology industry, continuously supported our members, consolidated our network of European partners by building a sustainable European ecosystem with own legal entity, set-up first cluster spin-off organisation and much, much more.
None of this would be possible without the great multidisciplinary management team we have and our European cluster family. It is a great feeling to wake up every day and go to meaningful work and being surrounded by people you can trust and rely on them. For this we are eternally grateful.
Luboš Komárek, Chairman of Nanoprogress, candidate to the European Cluster Manager of the Year 2022
Boosting excellent research in Czech Nanotechnology sector by leveraging the cluster concept
Since the beginning, the focus of NP R&D activities was on the development of a unique technology. In 2014 a breakthrough invention found its way to the surface of this world – using alternate current to production of nanofibers. In 2015 first prototype of the equipment for producing nanofibrous structures was invented together with members within the framework of the NP project funded by the ERDF under the call “Cooperation – Clusters” led by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Then the focus of the cluster R&D activities was later enlarged with material development for nanofibers production using this method and testing various application of the produced structures for many industrial applications.
In 2017 Nanoprogress installed in its shared laboratories new equipment and established internal R&D team that was working 8h shifts, discovering the weak spots of the machines. Then, based on this knowledge NP started with its members to develop its own equipment and technological parts.
In 2020 within a first business case, a fully industrial production line was built. The same year NP realized that there is an opportunity on the market and after a mutual agreement with the board of NP a spin-off company called Nanotech dynamics with the goal to build production infrastructure and introduce products on the market derived from this unique technology was created.
In 2021 another premises of Nanoprogress were established to build a production facility where the official launch of the production is scheduled to beginning of 2023. Products are already being developed in close collaboration with NP members.
KPIs related to the development of the Czech Nanotech sector
- More than 40 research organisations and companies supported
- Investment of more than € 30 M invested into unique research and technology development
- More than 400 researchers involved
- More than 400 research studies generated
- 12 worldwide unique equipment invented
- Achieving the 8th TRL level of the worldwide unique technology for production of nanofibrous structures and composites by alternate current
- More than 10 IPR in the possession of Nanoprogress
- Establishment of joint premises with open access and unique technology for research, production, and analysis of functionalised nanofibrous structures
Building a sustainable European ecosystem
This activity started in 2014 when NP prepared together with other European clusters first proposal to compete for EU projects. Then two years and many proposals later NP had a first project approved “Inno-Drop”, focused on boosting cluster excellence and services for members. The same year NP started another project “AdPack” focused on internationalisation followed by AdPack2. As one outcome of this project, NP and its partners established in 2018 unique European legal structure Ad-Pack EEIG to foster sustainability of the consortium and its services. The establishment took 8 months, and NP was the founder and Mr. Komarek first executive director. As time passed by, NP got more projects, consolidated, and enlarged its international partnership network and in 2021 tried to transform Ad-Pack EEIG to a national entity that would be more easily manageable and could benefit also at a national level. Direct transformation wasn´t possible, so NP together with its partners established a new entity called CEDEG. CEDEG has currently its own chairman and employees and the members of AdPack are joining it. It is also a legal structure for securing sustainability of the consortia of European strategic cluster partnerships ESCP-4i and ESCP-4x and is carrying out diverse activities in IT and Advanced environmental technologies.
Mr. Komarek, current chairman of Nanoprogress is directly involved and supports the management of the following entities:
- Ad-Pack EEIG – co-founder, executive director
- CEDEG, z.s. – co-founder, vice-chairman of the board
- National cluster association CZ – member of the board
- Nanotech dynamics, ltd. – co-owner, manager
Ad-Pack EEIG – European Economic Interest Grouping of 6 European cluster organisations that has a direct reach towards more than 1215 entities from which 984 are companies and 117 are innovation and other actors. The goal is boosting the innovation and competitivity of the EU stakeholders.
CEDEG, z.s. – CE Digital & Enviro Grouping (CEDEG) is a research, business and networking grouping that connects companies, organizations and technology platforms interested in creating synergies in the field of digitalisation and progressive environmental technologies. CEDEG brings to its members new business opportunities and the opportunity to participate in transnational lucrative research and development projects. Currently it counts with more than 2247 entities from which 1768 are companies and 337 innovation actors from 16 countries.
National cluster association CZ - is non-for-profit non-governmental organisation which brings together the most progressive cluster organisations of the Czech Republic. The purpose is to coordinate the sustainable development of cluster initiatives and to develop cluster policy in the Czech Republic based on concentration of knowledge, experience, and expertise to strengthen the competitiveness of the CR. Currently with its 31 members it covers 689 entities from which 523 are companies.
Nanotech dynamics, ltd. – a spin-off of Nanoprogress, focusing on introduction of jointly developed inventions on the global market, especially the ones based on novel worldwide unique technology for production of nanofibers using alternate current.
Fascinating world of nanotechnology
In 2019, Nanoprogress together with the team of national television and other partners filmed a limited series about nanotechnologies and its applications. The series were divided into 5 episodes where besides the added value of Nanoprogress, it presented the application of the nanotechnology into food industry, environmental industry, cosmetic industry, biomedicine, and others. The series had as the main goal to introduce the nanotechnology towards R&D community and was compiled mostly of direct interviews exclusively of Nanoprogress members.
Years after, as a continuation of this effort, new series came to the light of this world. This time it was meant to present nanotechnology to the broad audience and for such reason a script was meticulously prepared and a Czech famous actor together with professional director and filming team was hired. The continuation of the series was also exclusively about Nanoprogress, its members and partners.
Both limited series were being broadcasted various times in the national television, through YouTube, social media, and other dissemination channels with a reach towards more than 500 000 viewers.