Science and Technology Park, Palacky University Olomouc
STP PU constitutes a connection between companies and Palacky University in Olomouc.
STP PU connects companies with Palacký University Olomouc (UP), and transfers knowledge and inventions from research into practice and their real use. It offers companies research, measurements or analyses using the knowledge of excellent scientific teams and the university's unique equipment background.
- STP PU combines knowledge and technologies developed at UP and offers them for use in practice. In addition to selected knowledge and technologies, he manages UP's entire patent portfolio. In addition to commissioned research, the Science and Technology Park will also facilitate the preparation of joint knowledge and technology transfer projects. It is the main contact point for anyone interested in starting cooperation with Palacký University in Olomouc.
Cooperation opportunities
- The key fields for cooperation are pharmacy, medicine, chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, agricultural research, and optical technology. Partners can establish cooperations in various fields from pedagogy, philosophy, sports or theology. In addition to the fields mentioned, VTP UP offers industrial 3D printing (metal, plastic, paper, scanning) and the rental of a computer server suitable for numerical simulations (ANSYS software for finite element method). It is also open to cooperation in the field of digital innovation hubs and their services within Digi2Healt (
Contact: Dr. Ing. Petr Kubecka, MCI, RTTP,, +420 585 631 449