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IT Cluster

Headed by the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the IT Cluster profiles the Moravian-Silesian Region as the resource of professionals and specialised workforce in software development and IT service management.

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Established in 2006, IT Cluster associates 32 cluster members comprising both regional SMEs and representatives of the multinational branches.



  • Wireless services for high-accuracy mobile call location - Intelligent Traffic Systems - Open Business Intelligence-based products – SOA and CAPI concept-based solutions
  • Human resource development, Innovative projects, Communication and marketing


Cooperation opportunities

  • Consulting services
  • Performing conferencies and round tables focused to cluster topics, IT and similar branches
  • Research and development in IT
  • IT systems development and implementation
  • Internet technologies and application development
  • Mobile technologies development
  • Telecommunication technologies development
  • Creation of multimedia prezentations
  • Car searching, controlling and guarding
  • Graphics and marketing
  • IT education, certified courses and tests
  • Language school, translations



  • Cooperation with education partners (universities, high schools) - create prerequisities for future experts development – personal resources for IT
  • Ensure conditions for maximazing synergy effects of development and production resources in IT
  • Supporting inovative processes, research and development
  • Supporting communication between enterpreneurs and state /municipality/non-profit bodies in IT
  • Support regional devolopment and social programs



Contact: Premysl Soldan,, +420 724 504 926

IT Cluster, z.s.
Cluster NIC:27021408Department:Moravskoslezský
Number of companies:25Employees (estimate):8189
CINNameTypeDepartmentEmployees (estimate)
47676795AutoCont CZ a.s.FirmaMoravskoslezský750
25900595D3Soft s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský37
02164469Focus People s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský3
11553804Ing. Václav JakubecFyzická osobaMoravskoslezský0
25850245ITeuro, a.s.FirmaMoravskoslezský37
27028976itSMF Czech Republic, z.s.SpolekPraha3
42767717K2 atmitec s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský150
27787966K2 connect solution s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský75
25826654KVADOS, a.s.FirmaMoravskoslezský150
26822458LOGICON Partner s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský3
63307235Mgr. Petr Mika AKIMFyzická osobaMoravskoslezský0
25862731NAM system, a. s.FirmaMoravskoslezský75
27780252NITTA Systems s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský3
48027944PRONIX s.r.o.FirmaPraha37
14568861RNDr. Rudolf KuzníkFyzická osobaMoravskoslezský0
47813059Slezská univerzita v OpavěMoravskoslezský750
25264605STORA ENSO WOOD PRODUCTS ŽDÍREC s.r.o.FirmaVysočina750
00602132Střední průmyslová škola elektrotechniky a informatikyMoravskoslezský75
26298953TECHNISERV IT, spol. s r.o.FirmaJihomoravský75
64608051Tieto Czech s.r.oFirmaMoravskoslezský2250
28606582VÍTKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a. s.Akciová společnostMoravskoslezský150
61989100VŠB – TU OstravaMoravskoslezský2750
25875167Vysoká škola logistiky o.p.s.Olomoucký37
27831345XEVOS Solutions s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský7