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This project is co-financed by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program under the European Regional Development Fund.

The project is co-funded by the European Union from the programme Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE. KETGATE opens access to the small and medium-sized companies to use Key Enabling Technologies –KETs) in order to increase product innovation across multiply industrial sectors throughout Europe. „KETs“ include photonics, mikro and nano-electronics, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, industrial biotechnologies and advanced production technologies. All of these fields are closely interconnected; therefore demand excessive amount of knowledge, experience and expertise.

The National Cluster Association - CZ is a project partner of the KETGATE - Key Enabling Technologies (KET) drive innovation and improvement across a range of business sectors. KETGATE is a project that connects business support organisations and research institutes to help small and medium-sized companies to access high-level technology. The project partners will help develop a network that can build a KET ecosystem, which makes innovation more accessible to them.

KETs include photonics, micro and nano-electronics, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, industrial biotechnologies and advanced production technologies. All of these fields are closely interconnected; therefore demand excessive amount of knowledge, experience and expertise. These technologies require intensive research and development, rapid innovation cycles and high capital costs.

These conditions create a significant barrier in regular use. Therefore, the consortium of 8 partners consists of organisations supporting businesses  as well as the institutions engaged in advanced research. Together with another 19 associated partners we would like to create a network of accessible points of KETs at the level of research centres among central Europe providing Ecosystem in the KETs area.

Key associated partners involved on the Czech part are the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy and Science and the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre. In particular the project focuses on 3 core technologies : photonics, micro and nano-electronics and advanced materials and its practical implementation in the fields of transport, healthcare and foodstuffs.


We are proud that the well-known optic international company MEOPTA has become a benefactor of this project in the October 2018.


For more information about the project please see.



  • Regional Stakeholder Workshop (kick up workshop) took place on November 27, 2017 in the Technology Centre CAS Prague, read more

  • Two Study Visits  in technological research centres (JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Weiz, Austria and Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) , January 30 – 31,  2018, read more.

  • KETGATE workshop in Olomouc, read more

  • KETGATE Info Day 1:Introduction to the project and information about a KETGATE Point as a part of the event.: Day of Clusters  in Pilsen Region  , Pilsen, 18. 10. 2018, read more zde

  • KETGATE Info Day 2: Introduction to the project and information about a KETGATE Point as a part of the event.: 3S printing as a marketing tool, , in Olomouc on November 23,  2018, read more

  • International Brokerage Event: Introduction to the international network of cooperation among the companies and universities throughout the KETGATE in Venice, Italy, January 1st, 2019, read more
  • Call to join the pilot projects aimed at international cooperation in research and development. The activities will be fully funded from the project KETGATE. The cooperation funding could be: 5000 - 15 000 EUR. The implementation should be between the May 31, 2019 and September 30, 2019 and one of the three committed research centres must be involved.  For further information about the call, please click here, you can download the application form here.


Project Partners:

  • Steinbeis-Europe-Centre of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, GE (leading partner)
  • Veneto Innovazione, IT
  • National Cluster Association, CZ
  • Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd.
  • Bay Zoltán  Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research
  • Jozef Stefan Institute


Contact person in National Cluster Association:

Jiří Herinek – Project manager

Tel.: +420 724 315 041

You can read more about the project here 


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