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Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU - EU Clusters Talk, 21 February 2024


A total of 51% of EU Member States have more than 10 years of experience in implementing cluster policies at national, regional or both levels. 

EU Member States have a long tradition of dedicated cluster policies. In total, 51% of the EU Member States have more than 10 years of experience in implementing cluster-specific policies at national, regional, or both levels. The support can aim at strengthening innovation ecosystems, SME support, R&D support, industry-research collaboration, internationalisation, and upskilling. In most cases, the support takes place in the form of financial and technical support. However, there is a great variety of programmes and policies in the EU27.


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU” on 21 February 2024, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to showcase and discuss cluster policies in different EU countries.




Speakers included: 

  • Marta Batalla, Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Jan-Philipp Kramer, Head of EU-Services, Prognos
  • John Hobbs, Senior Lecturer, Munster Technological University
  • Monika Antonowicz, Expert in Strategy and Analysis Department, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
  • Pauline Capus, General Manager, French Association of Competitiveness Clusters AFPC
  • Tej Friis Egefjord, Team Leader Innovation & Clusters, Danish Business Authority


This event is part of regular online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities. The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and discuss cluster-relevant topics, which will change with every meeting.

The Slides and the Summary of the Event