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Regional Stakeholder Workshop KETGATE

The Regional Stakeholder Workshop in Prague was attended by 18 participants among them e.g. cluster managers , SME representatives, business support organisation representatives, public agencies representatives, representative of university, representative of the research and technology organisation and experts on the KETs topic.

The Regional Stakeholder Workshop in Prague was attended by 18 participants among them e.g. cluster managers , SME representatives, business support organisation representatives, public agencies representatives, representative of university, representative of the research and technology organisation and experts on the KETs topic.

The participants of the workshop were welcomed by Pavla Bruskova, President of the NCA. Then, the project manager, Filip Vitek, introduced to the audience the KETGATE project, its vision, gaols and approach. Two Czech associated partners of the project, the Central Bohemia Innovation Centre and the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, who managed the ELI BEAMLINES (RTO), introduced and presented how they work with KETs. Experts from the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Zdenek Kucera and Tomas Vondrak, talked about the potential of the Czech Republic in the key technologies and about position of the Czech Republic compared to the European and world players in the KETs area. Martin Slais from the Nanoprogress cluster presented the concrete results of the KET in the cluster.

The second part of the workshop was devoted to the discussion. The topics of the discussion were the Czech innovation ecosystem, the approach of companies to KETs and research infrastructures providing KETs services. An integral part of the workshop was networking which allowed participants to create new contacts with people who are in the field of innovation and key enabling technologies. Organisers received very positive feedback from the participants and one SME representative was grateful because he had  a chance to meet in person with representative of RTO which works with technologies that are important for his company.