Nanoprogress special training saved companies over 2,4 million EUR

The Nanoprogress focuses on developing the skills of its members' employees through specialised training. Thanks to this support, not only have hundreds of employees gained new knowledge, but companies have also saved millions of euros and strengthened their competitiveness.
The Nanoprogress has significantly contributed to the skill development of its members' employees by organising extensive training sessions in key areas such as managerial skills, soft skills, IT, and specialised fields tailored to the specific needs of its members. Through collaboration with highly qualified and experienced trainers, hundreds of employees have been trained, and hundreds of hours of intensive education have been delivered.
The training sessions organised by the Nanoprogress cluster have resulted in substantial financial savings for its members—over 2,4 million EUR, which would otherwise have been spent on employee education. Thanks to the newly acquired skills, employees have improved their efficiency in working with internal systems, enhanced both internal and external communication, and gained specialised knowledge in key fields. This has led not only to increased efficiency and performance but also to strengthening competitiveness and sustainability across the business sector.
Beyond technical training, the cluster has also focused on strategic areas such as market entry, project preparation, and understanding the cultural differences of target markets. These activities have provided cluster members with essential knowledge for more effective project planning and successful communication with key partners and facilitators.
Thanks to this comprehensive support, not only have employees' qualifications improved, but the market position of the participating organisations has also been strengthened, bringing long-term benefits for all involved parties.