KVADOS is the first company in the Czech Republic to make full use of T-Mobile’s private 5G network

NCA members regularly share their successes and the successes of their members with us. Selected contributions can be found in the KLASTROVINY. Read a contribution from the Association for Innovation in Logistics and its member KVADOS.
New possibilities of using modern logistics technologies, innovative testing of scenarios with high demands on the quality of the mobile network in deploying intelligent autonomous robots and so far complicated extension of automation to outdoor areas as well - these are the main advantages of the private 5G infrastructure used by the Ostrava IT company KVADOS as the first corporate customer in the Czech Republic. The company uses 5G technology for it showroom, where it presents unique solutions for automation and robotization in logistics, and after a successful test run it has started real operation in the robotic warehouse of Dextrum Fulfillment a.s. in Paskov near Ostrava.
The 5G network is unique not only in terms of the volume of data sent and received, but is also fundamentally more stable and secure in connectivity. These aspects are crucial to the work of fully autonomous robots, where it is necessary to ensure that all processes work reliably in the mode 24/7. This is because of the fact, that autonomous intelligent robots are dependent on a constant connection to the master system and also on the speed of the data they receive, but above all on the speed of the data they send.
“The WIFI network that has been used so far, which is the standard in logistics today, has its limits and it is simply a technology that was originally and primarily developed for wireless connection of two fixed points. In contrast, 5G infrastructure is primarily designed for mobile usage. This allows us to cover not only the entire logistics and production area, but also outdoor areas. High-quality 5G connectivity allows us to easily implement the movement of warehouse racks or other equipment in the space and also to operatively change scenarios for the work of fully autonomous logistics robots, at any time without additional investment. Finally, we do not have the current limits in the transmission of video data from sensors or high-speed cameras to a central server. Another advantage is the fast transmission of motion control instructions back to the robots, in real time. This network will be a great benefit not only for commercial warehouses and e-shops, but also for manufacturing companies,” said Miroslav Hampel, CEO of KVADOS GROUP, with the fact, that this network, using Ericsson technology, supports easy integration of autonomous robots from different manufacturers into one control system in real time and with high reliability.
About KVADOS, a.s.
KVADOS, a.s. is a Czech software company that has been on the market for 30 years. It deals with developing the supply of its software solutions for the digitalisation of business systems and automation not only in the warehouse. It supplies solutions for optimising intralogistics and comprehensive solutions for robotics and industrial automation. If you are interested in establishing business, partnership, marketing or media cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 725 385 656 or e-mail marketing@kvados.cz, www.kvados.cz.
Contact: JiriVidlar Executive Director KVADOS a.s.; vidlar@kvados.cz