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Invitation for the Clusters meet Regions Chișinău, Moldova, 24 - 25 October 2024


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform invites you to the Clusters meet Regions event in Chișinău, Moldova. 

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme Moldova and the Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO are jointly organizing the Clusters Meet Regions conference and Matchmaking event on 10 -11 October 2024 in Chișinău, the Republic of Moldova. 




Themed as “CLUSTERS AS DRIVERS OF INTER-REGIONAL VALUE CHAINS,” the conference will debate on the role of clusters as reliable dialogue partners in the design, implementation and ongoing monitoring of regional development policies and programs with a focus on smart specialisation, skills for industrial transition and entrepreneurship. 


A particular emphasis will be put on clusters and their role in economic development of the Republic of Moldova as well as the Inter-regional Collaboration in the EU through clusters, with a special focus on the Danube and the Black Sea Regions. 


Clusters, SMEs and other European innovation actors are also invited to discover the business and technology potential of Moldova and other Eastern European countries in a dedicated matchmaking event, organised on the 10 October afternoon with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network. 


Download the: 🗓️Draft Agenda



17 regional workshops were being organised in those EU regions that expressed interest in hosting such a workshop during 2022-2024 as part of the “Clusters meet Regions” cycle. These events brought together clusters and policymakers within the EU from national, regional, and local levels to learn how to better use clusters to strengthen industrial ecosystems, serve national/regional economic development, and liaise with other regions facing similar transition challenges.


The objectives of the Clusters Meet Regions workshop in Chisinau are to strengthen the role of clusters as:

  • Tools for local, regional, and national  economic development based in innovation and internationalisation
  • Drivers of inter-regional cooperation, with a focus on the Danube Region and the Black Sea
  • Channels for high added value support services for SMEs.



The event will bring together 150 representatives from clusters, companies, national and regional public authorities and business support organisations from Moldova and other European countries as well as researchers, civil society, financial intermediaries, innovation agencies, industrial associations, investors, and other related actors.



Download the: 🗓️Draft Agenda