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From Policy to Practice: The Clean Industrial Deal in Action


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk "From Policy to Practice: The Clean Industrial Deal in Action" on 12 March, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to give an overview of the measures outlines in the Deal, speak about its importance to support competitiveness, and discuss cluster actions for its implementation.

On 26 February, the European Commission introduced the Clean Industrial Deal, a business plan designed to bolster the competitiveness and resilience of Europe’s industry. It reaffirms Europe’s determination to become a decarbonised economy by 2050. The Deal puts forward concrete measures to make decarbonisation a driver of growth and mainly addresses two closely linked sectors: energy-intensive industries and clean tech. The former urgently needs support to decarbonise and electrify, given high energy costs, unfair global competition and complex regulations. Clean tech, meanwhile, is pivotal for future competitiveness and growth, as well as essential for industrial transformation.


The Clean Industrial Deal covers the following elements: affordable energy, boosting demand for clean products, financing the clean transition, circularity and access to materials, partnerships and trade agreements, as well as ensuring access to a skilled workforce.


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk "From Policy to Practice: The Clean Industrial Deal in Action" on 12 March, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to give an overview of the measures outlines in the Deal, speak about its importance to support competitiveness, and discuss cluster actions for its implementation.


Speakers included: 

  • Zuzana Gentner Vavrová, Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Prof. Dr. Hannes Utikal, Project Lead, Cluster Process4Sustainability, Provadis School of International Management and Technology
  • Katia Ferrari, Cluster Manager, Clust-ER Greentech
  • Oana Raita, Executive Director, Transilvania Energy Cluster 
  • Steffen Helledie, International Business Consultant, North Denmark EU-Office, Enterprise Europe Network



This event is organised in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network. It is part of regular online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities. The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and to discuss cluster-relevant.