From magnesium to steel: Navigating shifts in critical raw materials and global supply chains” on 22 June 2022, 8:30 – 10:00 CEST

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Raw materials are essential for the sustainable and healthy functioning of European industry. Raw materials industries play an important role in many downstream sectors in Europe, such as construction, defense, chemical, automotive, aerospace, mechanical engineering, renewable energy installations and equipment. However, clusters and companies are reporting serious disruptions to European supply chains, and the Russian war against Ukraine is creating new effects on their production and trade.
In the light of these challenging conditions, European industry urgently needs to address the supply of raw materials and sustainability, such as recycling, other circular economy solutions and the productivity of materials and resources.
More information HERE
Pre-registration for this event is mandatory until June 22, 7:30 CET.
This EU Clusters Talk is open to participants from the European Union and SMP and COSME countries. Consent to attend the session will be given individually. Use your business email address (ie no gmail addresses, etc.) to register.