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European Cluster Collaboration Platform invites you to EU Cluster Talks


European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) invites you to EU Cluster Talks which will take a place on 19th October 2022, 08:30 - 09:30 CEST.


The topic is "Ukraine: How can clusters support business integration and recovery?" 

Dear EU Clusters Talks Community,


In June 2022, the Ukrainian government published a recovery plan for the country. Besides the main lines for rebuilding Ukraine, it describes economic challenges in energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, logistics, and closer business relations with the European Union. Ukrainian clusters and business have affirmed their economic capacities and their willingness to work on integrated UA – EU value chains. Ukraine can hold interesting business opportunities for European enterprises and clusters.


In this context, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organises the EU Clusters Talk “Ukraine: How can clusters support business integration and recovery?” on 19 October 2022, 8:30 – 9:30 CEST, to learn about the Ukrainian recovery plan, discuss project proposals with Ukrainian partners, and speak about collaboration opportunities between Ukrainian and European businesses and clusters.




Speakers at this EU Clusters Talk will include expert insights from:


  • Alexandre Yurchak, President of the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance
  • Monica Matusiak, Team leader on Smart Specialisation - Global Outreach, within the Territorial Development Unit, Joint Research Centre
  • More TBC




EU Clusters Talks: the bi-weekly meeting point for the cluster community

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform invites the cluster community to a regular online meeting to discuss up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and cluster activities, cluster knowledge, best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities.

The EU Clusters Talks take place every two weeks. Information on the next Talks will be published on the website – stay tuned for more!

Written record of EU Cluster Talks

Created: 25/10/2022 14:24:16
Created: 25/10/2022 14:24:19