CZECHIPLANT - We Improve Quality of Life
The vision of the CZECHIMPLANT cluster is to contribute to improving the quality of life by supporting modern treatment approaches and innovative medical and biotechnology while respecting long-term sustainability in the field of implantology. The cluster’s platform connects innovators, manufacturers, and end-users.
A member company, ProSpon, spol. s.r.o., designed and 3D-printed a missing part of the tibia for the Faculty Hospital in Brno. The missing tibia part was implanted by Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Milan Krtička, Ph.D., the head of the Trauma Surgery Clinic.
3D printing is playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare industry and saving patients’ lives. Below, you will find several ways in which 3D printing can be used to improve healthcare:
Customized Implant Manufacturing: 3D printing allows the creation of customized implants for patients, which is particularly valuable in orthopaedics and bone surgery. Doctors can design implants that perfectly fit a patient’s anatomy, reducing recovery time and increasing the success rate of surgeries.
Surgical Planning Models: Before complex surgical procedures, doctors can 3D print models of a patient’s anatomy. This technique enables doctors to plan the procedure better, accurately locate issues, and minimize the risk of complications.
Prosthetics and Replacement Parts: 3D printing also allows for the creation of prosthetic limbs and replacement parts, such as artificial joints or teeth. This improves the quality of life for patients who have lost a part of their body due to injury or illness.
Development of Medical Devices: 3D printing enables the rapid development and manufacturing of new medical devices and equipment. This can include special tools for surgeons or devices for diagnosis and treatment.
Production of Respirators and Protective Equipment: During the COVID-19 pandemic, 3D printing became popular for the rapid production of respirators and protective equipment. This helped ensure that healthcare personnel had sufficient access to the necessary equipment to protect their health and save the lives of patients and healthcare workers.
In conclusion, 3D printing has tremendous potential in the healthcare sector and plays a key role in saving patients’ lives. This technology allows for the creation of more precise and efficient medical solutions, improving the care provided to patients and reducing the risk of complications during treatment.”
Contact: Magdalena Veselikova,, +420 777 551 496,