On October 16, 2024, the eleventh edition of Cluster Day took place at Mendel University in Brno. The event was organized by the National Cluster Association – CREA Hydro&Energy and Mendel University in Brno. The event was held under the auspices of the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region.
The Cluster Day in the South Moravian Region welcomed seventy experts from the cluster community and the professional public, who discussed the future of innovations, cooperation, successes of cluster organizations, and their members. Selected NCA members were supported by member companies, which presented their technologies and cooperation with clusters during the panel discussion.

Anna Putnova, Brno City Councilor for Innovation and Cooperation with Research Organizations: "The city of Brno has invested heavily in innovation over the past 15 years, both financially and energetically, with investments amounting to nearly 1 billion CZK. We support Brno's clusters both directly and indirectly, and we are grateful for these opportunities."
Petr Prikryl, Czech Optical Cluster + Radek Jansky, ZEBR
Currently, there is rapid development and commercial use of Raman spectrometers for analytical, biological, medical, and other applications. Numerous companies produce a wide range of Raman spectrometers. None of these manufacturers offer spectrometers capable of reliably measuring Raman optical activity. The relatively low reliability of commercial devices has so far hindered the broader application of Raman optical spectroscopy in practice. Our spectrometer can achieve this. It is a unique device capable of obtaining data applicable in the study of biomolecular structures, quantum chemistry, determining the enantiomeric purity of chiral substances in the pharmaceutical industry, and other related fields.
What is Raman Optical Activity
Raman Optical Activity (ROA) involves measuring the small difference between right- and left-circularly polarized radiation in Raman scattering. It is an experimentally demanding analytical technique, but it is highly sensitive to molecular chirality, and the information obtained is often impossible to achieve by other methods. Ideal systems for study include biologically significant molecules (chiral drugs, proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, viruses), making Raman Optical Activity an analytical technique with enormous potential.
Bretislav Skacel, CREA HYDRO&ENERGY + Lubomir Prochazka, GEOtest
The laboratories of Crea Geotest Brno conducted a series of tests using the shown shear devices (see photo), which are important tools for engineering geological surveys of the subsoil for significant infrastructure projects. Other laboratory equipment, such as presses for laboratory rock mechanics tests, has also been involved in important surveys, such as for Metro Line D in Prague, the Vlachovice Dam, geotechnical surveys for highways and railways, Václav Havel Airport, and the assessment of rocks at the Erdenet copper mine in Mongolia.
Vitezslav Gaja, Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, on behalf of Jaroslav Pehal, NADOP-VYROBA NABYTKU
Technology Transfer:
- Selection, collaboration on development, and facilitation of the purchase of the latest technology for furniture manufacturing.
- Own R&D aimed at increasing production efficiency in line with the Industry 4.0 initiative through collaboration between the Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers and companies engaged in research and development in this field, with available R&D capacities and organizations.
- Transfer of R&D outputs among cluster members – validated technologies and software models.
- Specific benefits for cluster members – time, financial, and human resource savings.
- Further education among cluster members through workshops – Industry 4.0 in the furniture and woodworking industry, matchmaking – introduction of advanced technologies, and hackathons.
This year, the GOLDEN CLUSTER award was presented to the CREA Hydro&Energy cluster for its significant contributions to innovation and for promoting Czech entities in the water management sector internationally. The board chairman, Bretislav Skacel, accepted the award.
An honorary award for supporting development and innovation in companies was given to the Moravskoslezsky automobilovy klastr (Autoklastr). The executive director, Libor Dobes, accepted the award. The Autoklastr received the prize with an example of good practice: Support for software development for advanced production planning using AI "Biomorphic Factory" for the company Cerebrica and LARS Chemie (utilizing a voucher from the Eurocluster RESIST project worth €60,000).
An honorary award for the development of internationalization and the promotion of the Czech Republic was awarded to Klastr MECHATRONIKA. The award was accepted by the president of the executive board, Ing. Michal Zemko. The Klastr MECHATRONIKA received the award with an example of good practice: A new "table-top" exhibition concept in the Czech-German border region. The industry meeting was actively attended by 80 companies and research institutions. Two contracts were directly agreed upon at the event, with more in progress.
An honorary award for support and development of education was given to the Czech Footwear and Leather Association. The award was accepted by Marcela Melicharkova, a footwear technician and project worker. The Czech Footwear and Leather Association received the award with an example of good practice: It initiated the formation of a working group, which resulted in the preparation of a new high school program, "Technical Lyceum – specializing in footwear and plastics manufacturing." Thanks to fundraising, 200,000 CZK was obtained for promotion. The program will open in the 2025/2026 school year for 20 students.
An honorary award for the development of the regional innovation environment was given to CLUTEX - Cluster technical textiles. The award was accepted by Petra Dufkova, project manager. CLUTEX - Cluster technical textiles received the award with an example of good practice: Participation in developing an innovative approach to textile recycling. The Technical University of Liberec and the social cooperative Diakonie Broumov tested the recycling of entire garments. The result is a new material from which coat hangers and construction boards were produced.
During the Inspiration for Everyday Practice and Strategic Decisions of Cluster Managers and their Teams session, representatives shared practical tips, highlighting successes and lessons learned from challenges.
Vendula Doubravska from the Czech Aerospace Cluster shared insights into the experience of business missions. Lucia Haraslinova from the Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers expanded on the topic of group visits to foreign trade fairs and incoming missions, highlighting the benefits for cluster members. Renata Pfefferova from the National Cluster Association provided practical tips on using ChatGPT and demonstrated how this tool can assist clusters in writing newsletters, articles, and social media posts. Lucie Meznikova from the Czech Optical Cluster spoke about LinkedIn and its possibilities. Hana Gabrielova from the CzecHemp approached the topic of the Scientific Council, and Lubos Komarek from the Nanoprogress explained why project proposals should not omit essential elements.