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Days of Clusters 2015

Ve dnech 22.-23. října 2015 se uskuteční „6th Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters 2015“ v rumunském Brašově. Na akci vystoupí také prezidentka Národní klastrové asociace, PaedDr. Pavla Břusková, jako speaker.

Ve dnech 22.-23. října 2015 se uskuteční „6th Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters 2015“ v rumunském Brašově. Na akci vystoupí také prezidentka Národní klastrové asociace, PaedDr. Pavla Břusková, jako speaker.

Podrobnější informace uvádíme níže.

The Cluster House in partnership with the ALT Cluster Brasov and National Clusters Association ClusteRo Bucharest Romania, is preparing the VI Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters 2015” from October 22-23 in Brasov Romania.

The mission of this year’s conference is strengthening of the Balkan & Black Sea (BBS) clusters synergy through the public-private dialogue building and regional cluster best practice.

The conference will contribute to:

  • cluster based economic development in the Balkan and the Black Sea Region
  • public-private dialogue creation for better business environment fostering of innovation, competitiveness and cluster development in the BBS Region
  • better understanding and cooperation between academic and R&D institutions and business community in the BBS Region
  • cross regional networking and promotion of cluster organizations and cluster initiatives in the BBS Region

We are expecting the 6th Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters 2014” to attract more than 200 attendees - cluster practitioners, cluster managers, representatives of public and education and R&D institutions, companies and media. Special guests of the Conference will be high representatives from the State Administration of the Republic of Romania and the Republic of Serbia, the European Commission and European Institutions, the Global TCI Network, the Balkan Cluster Network, who are actively working with the business and clusters, as well as academic experts.

Clusters and their members from the Balkan and the Black Sea region, as drivers for economic development, will be able to present their success stories and good practices. Special focus this year will be devoted to the creative industries sector.

The conference organizers will cover for invited speakers the following:

  • Registration fee* (includes attendance to all conference sessions on 22nd and 23rd October and study visit on 24th October, transport from Bucharest airport to Brasov and back, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and Networking cocktail on 22nd October)
  • Accomodation** (max 3 overnights)


You can find the draft agenda of the 6th Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters 2015” here.