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The basic strategy of the CZECHIMPLANT, z.s. cluster is to support the development of a significant medical field and provide members with optimal conditions for collaboration.

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The primary goal of the cluster is to facilitate collaboration among its members in the fields of research and development, and then introduce the results of that research and development into practice; including in areas that may be legislatively challenging for medical devices. Intensive mutual collaboration, support, and experience sharing can produce unique, innovative results within the industry with high applicability potential, especially in foreign markets.



An additional focus of the cluster is the effective use of all suitable means though which member activities can be supported, such as: grant programs for research and development; economic diplomacy projects to support member companies in penetrating new markets; support for cluster marketing activities; international collaboration development, including cooperation with foreign cluster organization, programs of a regional nature, and more.



Contact: Magdalena Veselikova,, +420 777 551 496

Cluster NIC:05614775Department:Vysočina
Number of companies:27Employees (estimate):25587
CINNameTypeDepartmentEmployees (estimate)
60742887ADM, a.s.Akciová společnostJihomoravský15
29040736Aspironix s.r.o.FirmaPraha37
43774946BEZNOSKA, s.r.o.FirmaStředočeský150
28452682Bioinova, s.r.o.FirmaPraha15
26316919COMTES FHT a.s.Akciová společnostPlzeňský150
60917431CONTIPRO a.s.FirmaPardubický375
27507785ELLA-CS, s.r.o.FirmaKrálovéhradecký150
25779893GALVAMET, spol s r.o.FirmaZlínský75
45797463GAMA GROUP a.s.Akciová společnostJihočeský370
26429039IKVAA s.r.o.FirmaStředočeský3
27199321ING MEDICAL s.r.o.FirmaPraha7
44265786LASAK, s.r.o.FirmaPraha75
43378030MEDIN, a.s.Akciová společnostVysočina370
24166855NAFIGATE Corporation a.s.Akciová společnostPraha37
28448898Nanopharma, a.s.Akciová společnostPardubický15
61988987Ostravská univerzitaMoravskoslezský1250
45145466ProSpon, spol. s r.o.FirmaStředočeský37
25475525SILROC CZ,a.s.Akciová společnostLiberecký75
29385237Soggiorno s.r.o.FirmaMoravskoslezský3
03960293Sportbalance s.r.o.Jihomoravský0
28279093TESCAN Medical, s.r.o.FirmaJihomoravský3
60193247UJP Praha, a.s.Akciová společnostPraha150
00216208Univerzita KarlovaPraha10000
61989100VŠB – TU OstravaMoravskoslezský2750
60461373Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v PrazePraha1750
71226401Vysoká škola polytechnická JihlavaVysočina225